What is your husbands name? Matthew David Wooden
How long have you been married? 3.5 glorious yrs
How long did you date? We dated off and on throughout High School and then about a year after his mission. So probably about 3 yrs.
How old is he? 24 and can't wait for 25 so we can avoid the extra rental car fees.
Who eats more sweets? Probably me. Matt disagrees though. He does like his Reeses.
How long have you been married? 3.5 glorious yrs
How long did you date? We dated off and on throughout High School and then about a year after his mission. So probably about 3 yrs.
How old is he? 24 and can't wait for 25 so we can avoid the extra rental car fees.
Who eats more sweets? Probably me. Matt disagrees though. He does like his Reeses.
Who said I love you first? Matt and I just stared at him. I was in shock and still in high school for my defense!
Who is taller? Matt most surely is.
Who can sing the best? Well, were both not bad. He has a really good voice but doesn't believe me. He rocks at the vocals for Rock Band.
Who is smarter? We both have our strengths. I did well in school, but we compliment each other pretty well.
Who does the laundry? Moi, unless it is piled so high and he doesn't have anything to wear. Or if I ask him to do a little he will. But I like to do it so I can know for sure that certain clothes don't get dried. (A little type A coming out).
Who pays the bills?We both do. I tend to take care of most of it and keep track of our budget, but again it is because of my type A control issue. Oh well, it's working.
Who is taller? Matt most surely is.
Who can sing the best? Well, were both not bad. He has a really good voice but doesn't believe me. He rocks at the vocals for Rock Band.
Who is smarter? We both have our strengths. I did well in school, but we compliment each other pretty well.
Who does the laundry? Moi, unless it is piled so high and he doesn't have anything to wear. Or if I ask him to do a little he will. But I like to do it so I can know for sure that certain clothes don't get dried. (A little type A coming out).
Who pays the bills?We both do. I tend to take care of most of it and keep track of our budget, but again it is because of my type A control issue. Oh well, it's working.
Who mows the lawn? Our imaginary lawn doesn't need it. It always looks awesome! But Matt most likely will when we have our own place.
Who cooks dinner? Me. I like to cook and try new recipes. Usually my dinners involve more veggies. Matt is a great help in the kitchen though.
Who drives? Matt usually does.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Matt and here are his own words "Me, because usually I am." Gotta love him. I think both of us try hard to see the other's point of view. Sometimes it just takes me a few more minutes.
Who kissed who first? Matt kissed me first. I wanted him to kiss me earlier but he wouldn't because he just finished a basketball game and had 'cotton mouth'. So I had to wait.Who cooks dinner? Me. I like to cook and try new recipes. Usually my dinners involve more veggies. Matt is a great help in the kitchen though.
Who drives? Matt usually does.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Matt and here are his own words "Me, because usually I am." Gotta love him. I think both of us try hard to see the other's point of view. Sometimes it just takes me a few more minutes.
Who asked who out first? That would be Matt. He was persistant over many years. I tried to push him away many times, but I knew deep down that I loved him. I finally accepted my true feelings and knew that I had to keep this awesome guy!
Who wears the pants? Matt does, but my opinion does count =)
I love you so much Matt! You are an awesome husband and keep me laughing!
I am tagging Terie Young!
Loved hearing about your courtship, even though I witnessed some of it! You guys are awesome together, sweet, smart and funny.
Awe, cuteness.
Oh I just LOVE you guys!!!! Matt, you are such a good guy. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law! You have always been so much fun to be around and you always take care of your "little sister." Jess, you know how much I love you! I miss saying the same things at the same time! See you amazing people soon!
Hi Jessica, this is Michele Roberts, I found your blog through Emily's. I hope you don't mind! I have a blog too but it is set on private so I need your email address if you want to see it. Email me michelesroberts@gmail.com. We miss you guys! We want to get together and have dinner sometime.
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