Here is our new niece, Madelyn Johnson. We went up to Reno to see Jason and Leslie and their new addition. They had a little scare and we all felt like we needed to be there to make sure they knew that we loved them and were there if they needed us.
And the cute older brother, Adam.
Here is the cute girl. She was content being passed around.
And here is Jason, the proud daddy!
Leslie was a proud mommy, but she was stuck in the ICU so I don't have pics of her yet.
Uncle Ryan and Madelyn.
Matt is so good with the little ones.
And funny as ever, Brianna just couldn't get enough of her little sister!
Thanks so much for posting those pictures! We have been hoping that we might get a peek of her cute face soon. All of the pictures are great :) The video of Brianna is cute! She cracks me up. And I seriously can't beleive Adam is already an older brother. Way to go Jas ans Les! We sure hope Les is doing better too.
Matt and I were married on March 18, 2005 in the Oakland, Ca Temple. We now have two beautiful, fun children. Emmett is 2 yo and Chloe is 4 months. Matt is searching for an awesome job and being a wonderful Daddy and I am an RN working in labor and delivery. Life is good.
Jessica graduated from Sac State in Dec '06 w/her bachelor of science in nursing. She is now a registered nurse working at Sutter Roseville in the family birth center.
Awesome Quotes
A little craziness once in awhile perpetuates sanity!
Laugh heartily, love deeply, live happily!
D&C 101:16 " still and know that I am God."
Indecision becomes decision upon the passage of time.
Thanks so much for posting those pictures! We have been hoping that we might get a peek of her cute face soon. All of the pictures are great :) The video of Brianna is cute! She cracks me up. And I seriously can't beleive Adam is already an older brother. Way to go Jas ans Les! We sure hope Les is doing better too.
Cute!!! I didn't even know she was preg! I hope she feel better.
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