Our new addition!!!

Emmett David Wooden was born on Aug 23rd at 5:41 pm. It was a quick and good labor and delivery. We couldn't have asked for anything better. He is a healthy boy, weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

It was an amazing experience welcoming Emmett into this world.

Matt is a happy Daddy.

We think he is pretty darn cute!

This is my wonderful OB, Dr. Riley.

Matt was great about keeping all of our excited family informed.

This is my awesome labor nurse Alicia.

On our way to postpartum

Proud Grandpa Wooden

Happy Grandpa and Grandma Johnson, Aunt Megan, and Lucas (Emmett has adopted him as another Uncle)

Great Grandma Wooden

Tired daddy

Relaxing with Aunt Meg. Megan was able to spend 3.5 days with us at home and was a great help. Thanks a bunch Meg!

Sweet Boy

Nap time.

First bath at home and he did not enjoy it. Brrr...

Just can't get enough of our adorable Emmett!

He is a little snuggler.
He is adorable! Congrats on your little boy. I hope you guys can get some sleep now! I love all of his hair. I'm glad labor went well and hope you are doing well recovering.
Gabriel and I are so thrilled for you both....and your lucky boy! You will be such wonderful and loving parents.....he's so blessed! Adorable boy and love his dark head of hair. We send you best wishes. Thank you for the pics!!
I'm so excited for you. He's adorable. Soak up all the snuggling you can get. Not every child likes it.
He is just so precious! I am so excited for the both of you. You are going to be such wonderful parents. Emmett is such a beautiful boy...oh my goodness! I can't wait to see him again.
Congratulations!!! What a cutie! Get some rest, and enjoy every minute of the newborn days...they go by so quickly.
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