Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kate Eliza Wooden

      The moment before giving birth. I was induced and from the start of pitocin to delivery was a quick 4 hours. I was able to get my antibiotics and epidural this time. From Dr. Riley breaking my water to delivery was 2 hours. Everything went well and our beautiful Kate Eliza was born on February 9th at 12:27am. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and 18 inches long. Just perfect!

  It never ceases to amaze me how miraculous childbirth is and what the body is capable of creating.

   This is one of my favorite times. Having my newborn skin to skin and holding that amazing little person straight from Heaven. She didn't snuggle very long because she wanted to eat and she has done great ever since.

   It was so nice having my friend Kristen be our RN and to be surrounded by my friends from work.
  Emmett and Chloe were so excited to see Kate. Emmett kept saying with is pursed lips, "she is sooo adorable!", while Chloe kept trying to touch and hold her and didn't know how to contain all the excitement in her little body!

                                                         Our beautiful children!

                                           Such a good big brother

                                           Kate has such a calm and sweet spirit about her.
                                                           Another princess for Daddy!
                                   Her first trip in the car and she is so tiny in the carseat.