Trying to see if Chloe would fall asleep and out comes her little ballerina leg.
Cousin Cody Guthrie and Chloe sleeping at the lake
We had a fun day at the lake celebrating Kyra's 3rd birthday and Emmett's 2nd Birthday! So much fun!
This tube is awesome. Emmett loved riding on the tube and we were going pretty fast and hit some good bumps. He didn't want to stop and was laughing and smiling the entire time. I was more nervous than he was. Crazy kid.
Emmett got some cool new toys.
What a mess!!! Must have enjoyed his cupcake and hot dog.
Birthday kids!!!
Emmett wasted no time getting dirt all over his sunscreen face. Happy Birthday our sweet boy!
Matt and I were married on March 18, 2005 in the Oakland, Ca Temple. We now have two beautiful, fun children. Emmett is 2 yo and Chloe is 4 months. Matt is searching for an awesome job and being a wonderful Daddy and I am an RN working in labor and delivery. Life is good.
Jessica graduated from Sac State in Dec '06 w/her bachelor of science in nursing. She is now a registered nurse working at Sutter Roseville in the family birth center.
Awesome Quotes
A little craziness once in awhile perpetuates sanity!
Laugh heartily, love deeply, live happily!
D&C 101:16 " still and know that I am God."
Indecision becomes decision upon the passage of time.