We had such a wonderful Christmas with our families! It was so much fun with Emmett and he loved the wrapping paper the best. He is getting big so fast, so I will definitely post more pictures of him soon.
Cute little Brycen.
Love the crazy Christmas mornings with all the kids!
Matt and I were married on March 18, 2005 in the Oakland, Ca Temple. We now have two beautiful, fun children. Emmett is 2 yo and Chloe is 4 months. Matt is searching for an awesome job and being a wonderful Daddy and I am an RN working in labor and delivery. Life is good.
Jessica graduated from Sac State in Dec '06 w/her bachelor of science in nursing. She is now a registered nurse working at Sutter Roseville in the family birth center.
Awesome Quotes
A little craziness once in awhile perpetuates sanity!
Laugh heartily, love deeply, live happily!
D&C 101:16 "...be still and know that I am God."
Indecision becomes decision upon the passage of time.